
The Inner Circle – AKA Family

My sons & husband are super precious to me, not just speaking about my emotional attachment here, but they are actual “dharma …

Kathmandu at night

Queen of the Night

A lot of spiritual traditions work with the quiet energy and the magic of the night. Many eastern traditions with Yogi’s especially …

My week with K!

My week with K.

I know you have all been waiting for this one and honestly saying I haven been waiting on the correct form to …

Boyfriends Galore

Boyfriends Galore! Part 1

SO here the juicy bits; BOYFRIENDS!! I had many flighty and serious and fun and needy and tough and shy flings and …

My Guru

Oh Guru (my) Guru

I’m afraid this chapter’s outline is going to be long and absolutely chock a block with superlatives , therefore I offer my …

yogini Upside down

Yogini’s life Upside down

 Time to update you… A lot of things are happening in my life…I can’t even begin to describe how many things are …

Gratitude is so....2014

Dankbaarheid is zo………2014

Gelukkig, Nog steeds 2014 Ik heb zo’n, zo’n geluk dat het nog steeds 2014 is, want dankbaarheid is dit jaar een fenomeen …