Yogini speaker requested!
Soapbox speaker!
When last week, I was thought off & asked by wondervol owner Hermina & Chilax owner Judith to speak on the “Curvy High Tea” for like-minded women – HEAS, Never diet again, body diversity in the media, networking, etc – I knew 2 things right away: 1. This challenge I’m going to accept, 2.What I was going to convey. I am a Buddhist and we invest in ourselves on the long and short term so I thought myself to be the the perfect candidate.
- Famous soapbox speaker Elisabeth Freeman
- Soap Box speakers unite
- … the downside includes “rude and irrational” debates.
Questions & even more questions
As the days passed my view however started to change. I still was the perfect candidate, but why? I asked myself these questions … Do you actually invest in yourself, and this “investing in yourself” what’s that exactly?.
“Invest in yourself ” there’s so much to say about the topic, … you can, for example, invest in yourself in the following areas: Materially, physically, spiritually, through knowledge and financially and much more, but also combinations of all the above are possible.
The downside to asking yourself questions!
I do a lot of things that aren’t good for me … like not drinking enough water every day, leave the computer in time to stay sane and healthy, or get out of the house to meet people and the world, good for my soul and my business to name just a few. So now the question I ask myself; “Do I invest enough in myself? “. Well anyone whom is asked this question will arrive at the list of things they do and of things they don’t do. Indeed, most people when asked, whether they invest in themselves, will much quicker have a long list of things that would be a good investment in themselves but which they haven’t come around to yet.
The perfect candidate anyways?
But why than am I, still, “the perfect candidate”? Yes because I am, still, “the perfect candidate “… and I ‘m asked to speak at this event so someone else sees in me the perfect candidate too, still makes sense right!? 😉
Got your curiosity aroused?
So if you want to know why I, still, am the perfect candidate and how or how much I invest in myself, you now want to know if I can give you something on your own journey to self-realisation than please join the “Curvy High Tea “. Of course also for drinking a nice cup of tea or two, enjoying some pastries and benefit from elegant networking. July 20th from 14:00 to 17:00 at Stadsvilla Sonsbeek in Arnhem.
Love from “The Unusual Yogini” and High tea fan!
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