Sensuality, Sexuality, Romance….not what you are thinking anyway!
As you must have understood by now, Sensuality, Sexuality and Romance are an important theme in my life. I feel and …
As you must have understood by now, Sensuality, Sexuality and Romance are an important theme in my life. I feel and …
I am an open book to some people, but mostly not by choice, mainly to my husband, Guru, Some other teachers, my sister, …
A lot of spiritual traditions work with the quiet energy and the magic of the night. Many eastern traditions with Yogi’s especially …
I know you have all been waiting for this one and honestly saying I haven been waiting on the correct form to …
Time to update you… A lot of things are happening in my life…I can’t even begin to describe how many things are …
Lately I have seen many negative comments about the Internet and especially about Social Media and though I somewhat agree…. Social media …
This brings me to the second man in my life, he was the light of my life for a very long time …
Geen klassieke schoonheid Nu vind ik mezelf geen schoonheid perse. Het idee dat ik van mezelf heb is niet altijd heel vriendelijk …
Not a Classical Beauty Now I don’t consider myself a beauty per se. The Idea I have about myself is not always …
Routine & Discipline Routine en Discipline zin nooit mijn grootste kwaliteiten geweest. Maar om aan de zonnige kant te kijken – Het …
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